Municipal services
Potable water and wastewater

Service connections (potable water, wastewater, stormwater)

What do I have to do if I want to make a service connection?

All service connections must be inspected by the municipality. Please notify the Public Works Department at 450-247-3310 at least 24 hours in advance if you plan to make a service connection.

DWSS report - Potable water savings strategy 

Annual review of potable water quality

Sewer system

The Village of Hemmingford is entirely served by a sewer network throughout its built-up area. The treatment plant is of the 'aerated pond' type, and it is necessary to ensure the integrity of the treatment system by periodically monitoring the effluent and quantifying the organic and hydraulic loads in the network.

Protecting potable water sources!

Vulnerability analysis report:

As the municipality is responsible for a  potable water distribution facility, it produces and submits a vulnerability analysis report (VAR) to the MELCCFP, and must make information contained in the VAR available to the public:

  • Location and description of sampling site layout  Sampling site map

    The Municipality of the Village of Hemmingford is located around 4 km north of New York State and about 50 km south of Montreal. It is part of the Montérégie administrative region and the Jardins-de-Napierville regional county municipality (MRC). The well site was built in 1962, and is a Category 1 well. It is a tubular well with a diameter of 254mm and a depth of 68.88m. The aquifer exploited is fractured rock. The current annual flow rate is 300m3/day.

  • Plans showing the location of the immediate, intermediate and remote protection areas  Plan of protection areas


  • Level of water vulnerability for each protection area  Level of vulnerability  Figure B-4