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Enjoy a meal at one of our many restaurants, explore the zoological park, unwind at a local campground, or play a round of golf at Hemmingford's renowned course—all set in a beautiful natural environment that will delight your senses
We are a bilingual community, situated at the southern extremity of the Montérégie, adjacent to the American border and the State of New York. We are bordered by the towns of Sherrington, Ste-Clotilde, St-Bernard-de-Lacolle, and Havelock. The Township of Hemmingford surrounds the Village of Hemmingford. Hemmingford.
Visit the Destination Hemmingford website to discover all the attractions Hemmingford has to offer!
March 4, 2025
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505 Frontière street, Office #5
Hemmingford, QC, J0L 1H0
(450) 247-3310